Climate Change
Our planet is warming. Sea levels are rising. Extreme weather events are no longer few and far between.
The harsh reality is that if we are unable to work together to combat climate change then we might as well not work together on anything. Climate models and warming projections show even with zero carbon emissions we will continue to experience rising temperatures.
We’re in a race against the clock and the starting gun went off 50 years ago. We need to continue supporting programs that incentivize private citizens to reduce their carbon emissions and we need to hold corporations accountable for their negligent and unconcerned production of carbon emissions.
Massachusetts has the country's second lowest carbon emissions per capita, and we can be the first state to be carbon negative.
We are in the midst of a housing crisis.
Young people can't afford to move back to their hometowns after college, and elderly residents can’t afford to downsize and remain in the towns where they raised their families.
In every town in Massachusetts, there’s pushback against affordable housing. When we gawk at the exodus of young people from our state but refuse to enact policy to keep talented young minds here, what does that say about our values?
Creating a more streamlined and predictable process for developers to build in Massachusetts will stimulate building in our state and help relieve the scarcity of housing opportunities in Massachusetts. ​